Tirupati Medicare Enterprises


"Tirupati Medicare Enterprises"

We are Tirupati Medicare Enterprises and with Take Care Secure Pad, we have introduced a revolutionary sanitary pad which gives women a complete new experience. This product is designed for women who are using multiple pads at the same time, the ones who are checking for stains on an hourly basis, the ones who set 2-hour alarms every night to "check". We prioritize women's health and well-being.

  • We believe women are incredible. They have unlimited potential.
  • The entire TC team sincerely hopes to make a difference in women's lives.
  • Every woman wants what's best for her body, that's why we are committed to delivering products that women can trust.
  • We define a safe range for every component we use with the same scientific process used by regulatory agencies around the world.
Awards & Recognition

"Awards & Recognition"

Our innovative design and technology are the outcome of our dedicated research team. We have ensured that our product undergoes rigorous testing and trials, both in-house and by world-renowned third-party testing laboratories. The exceptional quality of our product has earned us recognition, and we are proud to have been awarded as 'The Safest Sanitary Pad in Hygiene Care' by Hon'ble Sh. Nitin Gadkari (Cabinet Minister RT&H) in 2024.

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Awards & Recognition
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"Why It's the Safest Pad?"

Because It's Dioxin-Free

Causes of Dioxin Exposure

  • Reproductive harm
  • Causes cancer
  • Immune suppression
  • Hormonal disruption
  • Fetal toxicity

Benefits of Our Take Care Secure Pad

  • Improved reproductive health
  • Not causes cancer
  • Stronger immune system
  • Balanced hormone levels
  • Safer for pregnancy and fetal development
Vision and Mission

Our Vision

We want all girls to live life to its fullest potential and we're right here to back all of you.


Our Mission

We are continuing our mission to keep girls in the activities that they love!